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At the Epicenter of COVID-19

Since World War II, there has not been a more impactful global event affecting the world than COVID. When it first hit, we watched it like a vague dystopic science fiction from afar and then, in no time, became actors in it. With borders closed and economies hit hard, we became prisoners in our own homes. We were at war, a war that was being fought in hospitals by soldiers in a different uniform. It was a tough decision to knowingly put myself and my family at risk, but I knew I would never forgive myself if I did not follow my calling and went and documented it. So, I spent 29 days at the ICU of Gazi University Hospital in Ankara, Turkey from May 6th 2020 - June 5th 2020. This collection consists of 25 photos from that time; photos documenting life inside the ICU, photos documenting life and death in the times of COVID-19.

Photographers are the eyes of those who are not present. I cannot change history, but I can photograph it.


25 Photos, 13 + 2 (Artist’s Reserve) Editions

Unique items
Total items
Jun 2022
Creator earnings
  • Artist: F. dilek uyar