Memes are digital heritage. They are ment to circulate. This is a documentary project about the memefication. of The Carpoolers project by Alejandro Cartagena. Take. Circulate back. All these works are based on the original work created in 2011 to 2012.
Original Works:[sortBy]=CREATED_DATE&search[resultModel]=ASSETS&search[sortAscending]=true&tab=created
AI generated NFTs of the 50 Carpoolers:[sortBy]=LISTING_DATE&search[query]=eponym
Memes are digital heritage. They are ment to circulate. This is a documentary project about the memefication. of The Carpoolers project by Alejandro Cartagena. Take. Circulate back. All these works are based on the original work created in 2011 to 2012.
Original Works:[sortBy]=CREATED_DATE&search[resultModel]=ASSETS&search[sortAscending]=true&tab=created
AI generated NFTs of the 50 Carpoolers:[sortBy]=LISTING_DATE&search[query]=eponym
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