The Primo Crypto Sk8 Brand
Born in the fires of Heck on the planet Interrobang, the mischievous Deebies escaped to the surface from a hole in the ground that cracked open. Some spread to the mysterious Ancient Temple, others to the brightly colored Oopy Doop Forest, and the rest climbed up the dark, pointy hills of Nowhere.
They created makeshift shelters and now live surrounded by all manner of creatures they can play tricks on and ride for fun. Each Deebie wants to be unique, so they adorn themselves with different accessories, some even evolving to develop traits no other Deebies have.
While Deebies are quite resourceful, they’re still babies and need someone to love and protect them. Adopting a Deebie doesn’t just keep them away from danger, it allows them to be safely experimented on. Creating unique derivative versions of your adopted Deebies is highly encouraged and helps populate this newly discovered realm.
The Primo Crypto Sk8 Brand
Born in the fires of Heck on the planet Interrobang, the mischievous Deebies escaped to the surface from a hole in the ground that cracked open. Some spread to the mysterious Ancient Temple, others to the brightly colored Oopy Doop Forest, and the rest climbed up the dark, pointy hills of Nowhere.
They created makeshift shelters and now live surrounded by all manner of creatures they can play tricks on and ride for fun. Each Deebie wants to be unique, so they adorn themselves with different accessories, some even evolving to develop traits no other Deebies have.
While Deebies are quite resourceful, they’re still babies and need someone to love and protect them. Adopting a Deebie doesn’t just keep them away from danger, it allows them to be safely experimented on. Creating unique derivative versions of your adopted Deebies is highly encouraged and helps populate this newly discovered realm.
· 3,052
· Jul 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%