A completely interactive qNFT for X/DOJI collectors that have managed to assemble all ranks in a faction. Each CREW Coin represents the collection of 9 X/DOJIs all together in a non-custodial manner, meaning you keep a hold of your X/DOJI and get all the benefits of the coin. Each coin unlocks additional perks to each X/DOJI contained within, after all you are stronger as a CREW than an individual.
A completely interactive qNFT for X/DOJI collectors that have managed to assemble all ranks in a faction. Each CREW Coin represents the collection of 9 X/DOJIs all together in a non-custodial manner, meaning you keep a hold of your X/DOJI and get all the benefits of the coin. Each coin unlocks additional perks to each X/DOJI contained within, after all you are stronger as a CREW than an individual.
· 34
· Apr 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%