Animated clockworks and poetry; revisiting the original Clockwork Love physical jewellery collection by Tjep. and imbuing the pieces with new metaphysical life through intricate animations, exquisite soundscapes and a carefully composed pallet of colours. Every NFT includes an AI-generated poem by Aaron Mirck for which the unique combination of traits served as input.
Animated clockworks and poetry; revisiting the original Clockwork Love physical jewellery collection by Tjep. and imbuing the pieces with new metaphysical life through intricate animations, exquisite soundscapes and a carefully composed pallet of colours. Every NFT includes an AI-generated poem by Aaron Mirck for which the unique combination of traits served as input.
Unique items
· 61
Total items
· 0
· Dec 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%
- Shape: Unclear