Discordコミュニティ「THE CITY」https://discord.gg/the-city の朝刊city timesです。前日のTHE CITYの様子や直近のお知らせなどをまとめています。 ※『CITY BOY & CITY GIRL』の二次創作作品になります。 (https://twitter.com/cityboygirl_nft?s=20&t=cKnRgvuztLnTsZVd3yU1Hg)
This is city times, the morning edition of the Discord community "THE CITY". https://discord.gg/the-city It summarizes the previous day's THE CITY and recent announcements. ※This is a derivative work of "CITY BOY & CITY GIRL".(https://twitter.com/cityboygirl_nft?s=20&t=cKnRgvuztLnTsZVd3yU1Hg)
Discordコミュニティ「THE CITY」https://discord.gg/the-city の朝刊city timesです。前日のTHE CITYの様子や直近のお知らせなどをまとめています。 ※『CITY BOY & CITY GIRL』の二次創作作品になります。 (https://twitter.com/cityboygirl_nft?s=20&t=cKnRgvuztLnTsZVd3yU1Hg)
This is city times, the morning edition of the Discord community "THE CITY". https://discord.gg/the-city It summarizes the previous day's THE CITY and recent announcements. ※This is a derivative work of "CITY BOY & CITY GIRL".(https://twitter.com/cityboygirl_nft?s=20&t=cKnRgvuztLnTsZVd3yU1Hg)
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