"Bored Town is a collection of 5555 Bored Town Monsters living on the Optimism blockchain. Created by sorryvrerror a Thai NFT artist. Bored Town holders have the chance to create derivative work whatever they put their mind to both for personal and commercial purposes under CC BY-SA terms. Holders please join https://guild.xyz/boredtown to get your role on Bored Town Discord and be eligible for giveaway raffles."
"Bored Town is a collection of 5555 Bored Town Monsters living on the Optimism blockchain. Created by sorryvrerror a Thai NFT artist. Bored Town holders have the chance to create derivative work whatever they put their mind to both for personal and commercial purposes under CC BY-SA terms. Holders please join https://guild.xyz/boredtown to get your role on Bored Town Discord and be eligible for giveaway raffles."
· 5,553
· Aug 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%