Binary Landscapes is an NFT art collection translating the binary code into a visual language of bichromatic pattern.
Each item parts from a grid of 12 x 16 px which is filled with a unique composition of RGB(0,0,0) pixels and RGB(219,255,0) pixels, creating a high contrast binary landscape.
All items are 1/1 edition.
Binary Landscapes is an NFT art collection translating the binary code into a visual language of bichromatic pattern.
Each item parts from a grid of 12 x 16 px which is filled with a unique composition of RGB(0,0,0) pixels and RGB(219,255,0) pixels, creating a high contrast binary landscape.
All items are 1/1 edition.
Unique items
· 15
Total items
· 0
· Feb 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%