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atlas II (2021) - edition of 10 unique works V2

atlas (2021) is the series of ten unique portraits.

All items are created by a recursive process and interaction of human craft and machine learning. The images are based on the self chosen representations of public figures, but may not necessarily be recognised by the unfamiliar. The perception of the artworks reflect the shapeshifting and performative Gestalt of the very specific surrounding they are taken from.

“For now, what is important is not finding the answer, but looking for it.” ― Douglas R. Hofstadter

** This project will be limited to the series of three editions (atlas, atlas II & atlas III). The production process ended with the end of the first auction. There will be no further iteration of this piece. Images displayed will not be changed further. After the end of an auction not reaching the reserve price, the item will be sold for a fixed price. Unsold items of a declining auction will be send to a burn address and can not be bought anymore.**

Unique items
Total items
Mar 2021
Creator earnings