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Astryd is a fictional world i created that depicts an interaction between the humans in the future and nature. Humans have evolved from similar species that existed in the past and we will keep evolving. With the integration of technology into our lives, it is not far-fetched to assume that technology would play a part in human evolution, hence the human-robot characters. In contrast, nature still presents itself in the same form no matter how far into the future we look. Each character uniquely represents an element and reminds us how versatile and beautiful every bit of nature is. Astryd also highlights the fact that no matter how much advancement we make, nature can still be very beautiful if we conserve it the right way. We have to give credit to nature because can you imagine living without the beauty and utility it provides us? I also want to constantly remind my collectors and everyone else to take care of nature around them. It counts, even in the littlest ways.

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Jan 2022
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