Collectible APE card NFTs
Concept art of ape with unexpected story scene moment.
Each ape in the scene inspired by Bored Ape owner and also Ape parents from Ape kids club. and they have their own role in the story and represented as collectable card set.
150 editions per card.
- Collect all card in each EP to get the exclusive full-scene in each EP
- 50% from the first sale sharing to Ape owner for each card.
- To join in Ape card collection. Adopted at least one kid from Ape kids club or own full-scene image in each EP.
- Selecting ape to join in each EP by self pick , Raffle from Kids ape owner, Raffle from EP scene image owner and sometime vote from the community.
Collectible APE card NFTs
Concept art of ape with unexpected story scene moment.
Each ape in the scene inspired by Bored Ape owner and also Ape parents from Ape kids club. and they have their own role in the story and represented as collectable card set.
150 editions per card.
- Collect all card in each EP to get the exclusive full-scene in each EP
- 50% from the first sale sharing to Ape owner for each card.
- To join in Ape card collection. Adopted at least one kid from Ape kids club or own full-scene image in each EP.
- Selecting ape to join in each EP by self pick , Raffle from Kids ape owner, Raffle from EP scene image owner and sometime vote from the community.
Unique items
· 9
Total items
· 1,210
· Aug 2021
Creator earnings
· 10%