360 degrees. 360 meridians. 360 unique NFTs. A radically new vision of our planet. The typographic map of the world, made up of the delicate web of meridians and a hand-picked selection of settlements strewn across it, conveys the feeling of global interconnectedness. A quiet plea for peaceful coexistence. Visit nft360.site for the full 360 experience.
360 degrees. 360 meridians. 360 unique NFTs. A radically new vision of our planet. The typographic map of the world, made up of the delicate web of meridians and a hand-picked selection of settlements strewn across it, conveys the feeling of global interconnectedness. A quiet plea for peaceful coexistence. Visit nft360.site for the full 360 experience.
Unique items
· 360
Total items
· 482
· Apr 2022
Creator earnings
· 10%
- Countries: 2