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24 Hours of Art

24 Hours of Art tokens are 3 things:

Art: Transient Labs ERC-7160 standard allows tokens to evolve, and the collector retains each evolution. A token begins as a blank canvas and unique date, updating to an ART design created based on the date's events

Information: The 24HOA collective has a private Telegram, weekly show, and upgraded report features as the year progresses

Access: Allowlists, opportunities, and releases are pursued throughout the year on behalf of the collective

2023 Tokens: 1/1/24 honoraries. The first was won in auction by Chikai for 2.31208 ETH and the others transferred to brand inspirations.

2024 Tokens: 1/1/366 released in partnership with Transient Labs. The collection sold out on 2/1/2024 at 0.24 ETH per token.

24HOA: 24 Hours of Art by RD is a daily, independent report that covers the digital art medium and blockchain marketplace.

Dec 2023
Creator earnings