The “Results Recipe” is for us to use when we have an idea, creation/invention, or even an issue that we're processing, to get an outcome or a result. The process of going through this “recipe” being with your idea. You then brainstorm your plan or map out your list of action steps or what you plan to do to execute the idea. Once you’ve decided on your action plan, the next step is to physically execute those steps and see what the result of those actions. From that result, you can either review and see that the execution worked well and you can continue on that path, or that you did not get your expected result and can choose to pivot your plan. Your success in life always begins with having an idea, coming up with a plan, and trying something. If our initial action route works, continue taking action on the same thing. If it does not work, looking at the optimal results, you come up with a new idea and go through the results recipe once again. You always continue following this model as a formulary to get the results you want in life.
Driven by his passion for leadership and impact, Dr. Kremer takes pride in coaching and mentoring other doctors and businesses through the Kremer Leadership Institute. He is a speaker, advisor, and mentor. The vision of Kremer Leadership Institute is to provide knowledge, leadership, and inspiration to help dentists grow and achieve new levels of excellence.
Results Recipe
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Results Recipe
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The “Results Recipe” is for us to use when we have an idea, creation/invention, or even an issue that we're processing, to get an outcome or a result. The process of going through this “recipe” being with your idea. You then brainstorm your plan or map out your list of action steps or what you plan to do to execute the idea. Once you’ve decided on your action plan, the next step is to physically execute those steps and see what the result of those actions. From that result, you can either review and see that the execution worked well and you can continue on that path, or that you did not get your expected result and can choose to pivot your plan. Your success in life always begins with having an idea, coming up with a plan, and trying something. If our initial action route works, continue taking action on the same thing. If it does not work, looking at the optimal results, you come up with a new idea and go through the results recipe once again. You always continue following this model as a formulary to get the results you want in life.
Driven by his passion for leadership and impact, Dr. Kremer takes pride in coaching and mentoring other doctors and businesses through the Kremer Leadership Institute. He is a speaker, advisor, and mentor. The vision of Kremer Leadership Institute is to provide knowledge, leadership, and inspiration to help dentists grow and achieve new levels of excellence.