"Gravity Legion" is an Idle Play-to-Earn RPG set in an anime fantasy world, perfect for busy professionals. Players choose from six classes, undertake quests, and progress through a main campaign using Hero NFTs, which are integral to gameplay. These NFTs, free to mint on the BNB Chain, evolve with player achievements and can be traded on secondary markets. Gameplay involves strategising loot choices and completing quests based on Hero power and item quality. The Theos Leaderboard ranks players by their daily calculated scores, influencing their share of daily rewards in $USDT and $GRAV tokens. Additionally, the Gravity Scholar Program allows token holders to back players, sharing in their earnings, with a dashboard to monitor performance metrics.
Badge utility - Fuse the badge with your Hero NFT and receive, Bonus points + flat multiplier on all other points gained in the play-to-airdrop program.
Gravity Legion Badge
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Gravity Legion Badge
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- Unit PriceUSD Unit PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
"Gravity Legion" is an Idle Play-to-Earn RPG set in an anime fantasy world, perfect for busy professionals. Players choose from six classes, undertake quests, and progress through a main campaign using Hero NFTs, which are integral to gameplay. These NFTs, free to mint on the BNB Chain, evolve with player achievements and can be traded on secondary markets. Gameplay involves strategising loot choices and completing quests based on Hero power and item quality. The Theos Leaderboard ranks players by their daily calculated scores, influencing their share of daily rewards in $USDT and $GRAV tokens. Additionally, the Gravity Scholar Program allows token holders to back players, sharing in their earnings, with a dashboard to monitor performance metrics.
Badge utility - Fuse the badge with your Hero NFT and receive, Bonus points + flat multiplier on all other points gained in the play-to-airdrop program.
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