- 中級(Silver)は、Cryptoの世界で自由に飄々と生き抜くための知識を扱います。
- 12問中8問以上正解して合格すると数日後に CLE - Silver NFT が与えられます。このNFT保有者はNinja DAOの「crypto-univ」「crypto-univ-eng」にアクセスできる権利が与えられます。
The Crypto Literacy Exam (CLE) is a benchmark for safe survival in the danger-filled world of crypto.
- Intermediate (Silver) deals with the knowledge to survive freely and easygoing in the Crypto world.
If you pass the exam by answering 8 or more out of 12 questions correctly, you will be awarded a CLE - Silver NFT in a few days. The holder of this NFT will be granted access to the Ninja DAO crypto-univ and crypto-univ-eng.
Crypto Literacy Examination - Silver Tier
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
- 中級(Silver)は、Cryptoの世界で自由に飄々と生き抜くための知識を扱います。
- 12問中8問以上正解して合格すると数日後に CLE - Silver NFT が与えられます。このNFT保有者はNinja DAOの「crypto-univ」「crypto-univ-eng」にアクセスできる権利が与えられます。
The Crypto Literacy Exam (CLE) is a benchmark for safe survival in the danger-filled world of crypto.
- Intermediate (Silver) deals with the knowledge to survive freely and easygoing in the Crypto world.
If you pass the exam by answering 8 or more out of 12 questions correctly, you will be awarded a CLE - Silver NFT in a few days. The holder of this NFT will be granted access to the Ninja DAO crypto-univ and crypto-univ-eng.