This is an instruction of the collection “Hernia & Peace”
Utilities for "Hernia & Peace."
If you see someone with an NFT or sticker in this collection, please speak kindly to them. (e.g., "I'm sorry to see it." or "Too bad~" etc.) If you are approached, please respond in kind. We will send one physical sticker as a gift by shipment to anyone who purchases an NFT in our collection. (Only for 1st distribution) Please use the contact form below with your information.
https://forms.gle/2TL3xAKZxxfLHPwU6 *Free shipping within Japan *Overseas shipping is collect on delivery. *This collection is also available to non-hernia people. *Service of stickers present may end without notice.
Concept of "Hernia & Peace"
One day in March 2023, around 1:00 am. I was suddenly struck by pain in my lower back and legs and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. No diagnosis was made that day, and I was supposed to go back home once I received a painkiller medicine. The hospital was crowded late at night, and it was a long, painful wait in the chair. When it was finally my turn to receive my medicine, I gave my name and date of birth, as is the hospital rule, and was told, "Tomorrow is your birthday, I see." I felt relieved for some reason. Later, on the cab ride home, the driver said to me, "I too have had a back injury. Only you know what pain is like." I felt a little better when he said to me. That's right. How could anyone else understand the true nature of the pain that even I could not explain well? After getting out of the cab, I could not enter the house due to a mistake. I returned to the cab that was stopping for me in the rain. It was almost 3:15 a.m. He said in a sympathetic tone, "That's too bad..." I was mentally distraught, but strangely enough, I was able to manage thanks to a few words from kind people.
A few days later, I visited the hospital and was diagnosed with a hernia. It has gradually improved over the past month, but at the time I was worried that I would never walk again or be able to sit up and paint again. In the midst of all this, I created artwork of "hernia" (Japanese characters) by my smartphone while lying in bed. I thought that kindness could be spread throughout the world, even only a little, and created this collection.
当コレクション内のNFTやステッカーを持っている方を見かけたら、優しく声をかけてください。(例:「気の毒すぎます〜」等) 声をかけられた方は、優しく返答してください。 当コレクション内のNFTを購入した方に、ステッカーを1枚郵送にてお送りします。情報を以下の問い合わせフォームからお知らせください。
https://forms.gle/2TL3xAKZxxfLHPwU6 ※日本国内送料無料 ※海外は送料着払いとなります。 ※当コレクションはヘルニア以外の方もお買い上げいただけます。 ※ステッカーの発送サービスは予告なく終了する場合がございます。
<展示実績> TAKUROMANは、2023年5月6日(土)~10日(水)、東京都渋谷区のUltraSuperNew Galleryで開催された「Reaching For The Future」に出展しました。 本作品は会期中に会場内で公開された作品となります。主催:WEN Tokyo なお、展示前の投票では多くの友人たちが力を貸してくれました。ありがとうございました。
'Reaching For The Future' is an exhibition hosted by WEN Tokyo, featuring generative art by digital artists A-Mashiro x Wen, with 30 artists curated by A-Mashiro and WEN Tokyo. The exhibition will be displayed at UltraSuperNew Gallery from 6-10 May and online, with support from the JGAF (Japan Generative Art Foundation).
“I would like Japanese artists to know that there are many different types of NFT. In particular, the existence of works such as the ones we are exhibiting is almost unknown in Japan. They are all very well-known artists in the global NFT scene. I would like to bridge the gap between this world and Japan.
This exhibition is divided into 2 parts, with all artists’ works being replaced on the 8th of May.
There will also be an event to discuss NFT art from various perspectives. I hope that artists, collectors, and many others who view this exhibition will discover a new fascination with NFT art and be inspired to dive into this world themselves.”
Hernia & Peace English Instructions
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Hernia & Peace English Instructions

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This is an instruction of the collection “Hernia & Peace”
Utilities for "Hernia & Peace."
If you see someone with an NFT or sticker in this collection, please speak kindly to them. (e.g., "I'm sorry to see it." or "Too bad~" etc.) If you are approached, please respond in kind. We will send one physical sticker as a gift by shipment to anyone who purchases an NFT in our collection. (Only for 1st distribution) Please use the contact form below with your information.
https://forms.gle/2TL3xAKZxxfLHPwU6 *Free shipping within Japan *Overseas shipping is collect on delivery. *This collection is also available to non-hernia people. *Service of stickers present may end without notice.
Concept of "Hernia & Peace"
One day in March 2023, around 1:00 am. I was suddenly struck by pain in my lower back and legs and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. No diagnosis was made that day, and I was supposed to go back home once I received a painkiller medicine. The hospital was crowded late at night, and it was a long, painful wait in the chair. When it was finally my turn to receive my medicine, I gave my name and date of birth, as is the hospital rule, and was told, "Tomorrow is your birthday, I see." I felt relieved for some reason. Later, on the cab ride home, the driver said to me, "I too have had a back injury. Only you know what pain is like." I felt a little better when he said to me. That's right. How could anyone else understand the true nature of the pain that even I could not explain well? After getting out of the cab, I could not enter the house due to a mistake. I returned to the cab that was stopping for me in the rain. It was almost 3:15 a.m. He said in a sympathetic tone, "That's too bad..." I was mentally distraught, but strangely enough, I was able to manage thanks to a few words from kind people.
A few days later, I visited the hospital and was diagnosed with a hernia. It has gradually improved over the past month, but at the time I was worried that I would never walk again or be able to sit up and paint again. In the midst of all this, I created artwork of "hernia" (Japanese characters) by my smartphone while lying in bed. I thought that kindness could be spread throughout the world, even only a little, and created this collection.
当コレクション内のNFTやステッカーを持っている方を見かけたら、優しく声をかけてください。(例:「気の毒すぎます〜」等) 声をかけられた方は、優しく返答してください。 当コレクション内のNFTを購入した方に、ステッカーを1枚郵送にてお送りします。情報を以下の問い合わせフォームからお知らせください。
https://forms.gle/2TL3xAKZxxfLHPwU6 ※日本国内送料無料 ※海外は送料着払いとなります。 ※当コレクションはヘルニア以外の方もお買い上げいただけます。 ※ステッカーの発送サービスは予告なく終了する場合がございます。
<展示実績> TAKUROMANは、2023年5月6日(土)~10日(水)、東京都渋谷区のUltraSuperNew Galleryで開催された「Reaching For The Future」に出展しました。 本作品は会期中に会場内で公開された作品となります。主催:WEN Tokyo なお、展示前の投票では多くの友人たちが力を貸してくれました。ありがとうございました。
'Reaching For The Future' is an exhibition hosted by WEN Tokyo, featuring generative art by digital artists A-Mashiro x Wen, with 30 artists curated by A-Mashiro and WEN Tokyo. The exhibition will be displayed at UltraSuperNew Gallery from 6-10 May and online, with support from the JGAF (Japan Generative Art Foundation).
“I would like Japanese artists to know that there are many different types of NFT. In particular, the existence of works such as the ones we are exhibiting is almost unknown in Japan. They are all very well-known artists in the global NFT scene. I would like to bridge the gap between this world and Japan.
This exhibition is divided into 2 parts, with all artists’ works being replaced on the 8th of May.
There will also be an event to discuss NFT art from various perspectives. I hope that artists, collectors, and many others who view this exhibition will discover a new fascination with NFT art and be inspired to dive into this world themselves.”