Gas giant - Neptune with frigid temperatures and ferocious winds, our solar system's outermost planet may be last but it's certainly not least. On the planet Neptune is presented the quote "I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work" by Thomas Edison.
Description of the Collection: The collection of 120 NFT Reward Tokens (40 copies of each Token) 12 out of 120 NFT Tokens consist of different seed phrases to the $LEAN wallet:
Seed phrases are hidden in the secret messages of the chosen 12 NFT Tokens, as well as in the quote sentence of this token.
48 out of 120 NFT Tokens consists in the private message a bonus code to the Lean Global Marketplace.
Collection of 120 NFT Tokens (40 copies of each Token), with a unique quote about management and self-development. 12 NFT Tokens have hidden different seed phrases to the $LEAN Wallet where will be sent $LEAN in the value of $600:
Each seed phrase is hidden as one word in the quote and additionally in the secret message available for opening after purchasing an NFT Token. To unlock the $LEAN wallet it is required to use 12 seed phrases in a specific order. Additionally, some NFT Tokens have hidden hints on how to find a reward.
If you have purchased 12 NFT Tokens with seed phrases, send their numbers to and we will transfer the $600 in $LEAN to the reward blockchain address.
Token #094 I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work by Thomas Edison
- Unit PriceUSD Unit PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- Unit PriceUSD Unit PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Token #094 I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work by Thomas Edison
- Unit PriceUSD Unit PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- Unit PriceUSD Unit PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Gas giant - Neptune with frigid temperatures and ferocious winds, our solar system's outermost planet may be last but it's certainly not least. On the planet Neptune is presented the quote "I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work" by Thomas Edison.
Description of the Collection: The collection of 120 NFT Reward Tokens (40 copies of each Token) 12 out of 120 NFT Tokens consist of different seed phrases to the $LEAN wallet:
Seed phrases are hidden in the secret messages of the chosen 12 NFT Tokens, as well as in the quote sentence of this token.
48 out of 120 NFT Tokens consists in the private message a bonus code to the Lean Global Marketplace.
Collection of 120 NFT Tokens (40 copies of each Token), with a unique quote about management and self-development. 12 NFT Tokens have hidden different seed phrases to the $LEAN Wallet where will be sent $LEAN in the value of $600:
Each seed phrase is hidden as one word in the quote and additionally in the secret message available for opening after purchasing an NFT Token. To unlock the $LEAN wallet it is required to use 12 seed phrases in a specific order. Additionally, some NFT Tokens have hidden hints on how to find a reward.
If you have purchased 12 NFT Tokens with seed phrases, send their numbers to and we will transfer the $600 in $LEAN to the reward blockchain address.