Series: Syncretizing Title: "Oshún and the Ashé of the Peacock" Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Chinet Martí Arevalo. Concept: The stories and patakines of the Yoruba religion tell us that the peacock was one day escaping from Ikú (Death) after betraying his trust by committing a very serious act that wanted to mow him down forever. El Pavo found the house of the maternal Oshun and hid there for a while... Ikú was going to kill him when he found him and at that moment the Beautiful Orisha came out from among her feathers, taking advantage of the fact that Ikú has always been in love with her and told her: - From now on this will be my wardrobe and everyone who seeks my goodness with Peacock feathers will be saved from any illness or disease and their economic development will grow. That is why since that time Oshún has been dressed in Peacock feathers so that she does not lack money or health.
Sincretizando #11 : "Oshú Salva"
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Sincretizando #11 : "Oshú Salva"
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Series: Syncretizing Title: "Oshún and the Ashé of the Peacock" Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Chinet Martí Arevalo. Concept: The stories and patakines of the Yoruba religion tell us that the peacock was one day escaping from Ikú (Death) after betraying his trust by committing a very serious act that wanted to mow him down forever. El Pavo found the house of the maternal Oshun and hid there for a while... Ikú was going to kill him when he found him and at that moment the Beautiful Orisha came out from among her feathers, taking advantage of the fact that Ikú has always been in love with her and told her: - From now on this will be my wardrobe and everyone who seeks my goodness with Peacock feathers will be saved from any illness or disease and their economic development will grow. That is why since that time Oshún has been dressed in Peacock feathers so that she does not lack money or health.