Series: Syncretizing Title: The Sacrifice of Love
Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Cheila Martí Arevalo. Concept: The humanization of this piece is an act of love, Obba is an Orisha belonging to the Yoruba pantheon (Santeria). It has usually been interpreted as the representation of excessive love, as well as sacrifice and conjugal self-denial. She is popular for the sacrifice she dared to make for her husband Shango, for whom she even cut off an ear as a sign of her veneration. Among its characteristics, it is considered the owner of the lagoons, the lakes, the tombs of the cemetery, the raging rivers, the ear, the wheel, the shield, the spear, and the books. Behind all this beautiful love story, it is important to note that she is a relentless warrior and that the only one who managed to defeat her in battle was Oggun.
Sincretizando #9 : "El sacrificio de Amor"
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Sincretizando #9 : "El sacrificio de Amor"
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Series: Syncretizing Title: The Sacrifice of Love
Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Cheila Martí Arevalo. Concept: The humanization of this piece is an act of love, Obba is an Orisha belonging to the Yoruba pantheon (Santeria). It has usually been interpreted as the representation of excessive love, as well as sacrifice and conjugal self-denial. She is popular for the sacrifice she dared to make for her husband Shango, for whom she even cut off an ear as a sign of her veneration. Among its characteristics, it is considered the owner of the lagoons, the lakes, the tombs of the cemetery, the raging rivers, the ear, the wheel, the shield, the spear, and the books. Behind all this beautiful love story, it is important to note that she is a relentless warrior and that the only one who managed to defeat her in battle was Oggun.