Series: Syncretizing Title: “ngurufinda” Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira.
Concept: This deformed being that we call Ngurufinda lives in the middle of the mountain, it is an energy of great power in the Palo Mayombe, it is the one who gives power to each stick, to each herb that is in the mountains, punishes when the laws of nature and is syncretized with Osain del monte. This being is missing an eye, an arm, a foot and is deformed for disobeying the mandates of the Olofi (Yoruba) and Nsamby (Bantu Cult). It is said that this being does not allow women to enter the mountain, he is not happy with them, since by their monthly processes it is said that they can take away the powers of everything they touch belonging to the mountain. It is a utopia for many women to be able to work in the bush alongside ngurufinda.
Sincretizando #6 : "ngurufinda"
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Sincretizando #6 : "ngurufinda"
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Series: Syncretizing Title: “ngurufinda” Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira.
Concept: This deformed being that we call Ngurufinda lives in the middle of the mountain, it is an energy of great power in the Palo Mayombe, it is the one who gives power to each stick, to each herb that is in the mountains, punishes when the laws of nature and is syncretized with Osain del monte. This being is missing an eye, an arm, a foot and is deformed for disobeying the mandates of the Olofi (Yoruba) and Nsamby (Bantu Cult). It is said that this being does not allow women to enter the mountain, he is not happy with them, since by their monthly processes it is said that they can take away the powers of everything they touch belonging to the mountain. It is a utopia for many women to be able to work in the bush alongside ngurufinda.