Series: Syncretizing Title: “Dos Aguas, With the water of the sea and with the water of the River” Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Chinet Martí Arevalo. Concept: In this piece the unification of two powers is humanized, in it Oshún (goddess owner of the river and fertility) cut her hair and Yemayá (goddess owner of the sea) changed her clothes, they joined forces and together they got out of all the problems that you can imagine.
Sincretizando #5 : “Dos Aguas, Con el agua del mar y con el agua del Río”
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Sincretizando #5 : “Dos Aguas, Con el agua del mar y con el agua del Río”
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Series: Syncretizing Title: “Dos Aguas, With the water of the sea and with the water of the River” Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Chinet Martí Arevalo. Concept: In this piece the unification of two powers is humanized, in it Oshún (goddess owner of the river and fertility) cut her hair and Yemayá (goddess owner of the sea) changed her clothes, they joined forces and together they got out of all the problems that you can imagine.