The Yearbook Club is a PFP-style and community-centric art collection launching on the Ethereum blockchain. Its theme revolves around Vale High School (VHS) nestled in a Crescent Valley, a small, mysterious town in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The collection comprises students and faculty from the Class of 1985, consisting of hundreds of unique traits, 18 rare cliques, and several 1/1s. The Yearbook Club draws heavy inspiration from 1980s pop culture and coming-of-age films, all rendered in nostalgia-inducing pixel art.
The Yearbook Club is a PFP-style and community-centric art collection launching on the Ethereum blockchain. Its theme revolves around Vale High School (VHS) nestled in a Crescent Valley, a small, mysterious town in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The collection comprises students and faculty from the Class of 1985, consisting of hundreds of unique traits, 18 rare cliques, and several 1/1s. The Yearbook Club draws heavy inspiration from 1980s pop culture and coming-of-age films, all rendered in nostalgia-inducing pixel art.
Yearbook Club #250
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Yearbook Club #250
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- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
The Yearbook Club is a PFP-style and community-centric art collection launching on the Ethereum blockchain. Its theme revolves around Vale High School (VHS) nestled in a Crescent Valley, a small, mysterious town in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The collection comprises students and faculty from the Class of 1985, consisting of hundreds of unique traits, 18 rare cliques, and several 1/1s. The Yearbook Club draws heavy inspiration from 1980s pop culture and coming-of-age films, all rendered in nostalgia-inducing pixel art.
The Yearbook Club is a PFP-style and community-centric art collection launching on the Ethereum blockchain. Its theme revolves around Vale High School (VHS) nestled in a Crescent Valley, a small, mysterious town in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The collection comprises students and faculty from the Class of 1985, consisting of hundreds of unique traits, 18 rare cliques, and several 1/1s. The Yearbook Club draws heavy inspiration from 1980s pop culture and coming-of-age films, all rendered in nostalgia-inducing pixel art.