Series: 1
Card: 23
Artist: T. Wade
The late-1990s marked the introduction of Precious Metal Gem trading cards, which feature a player's image on a captivating metallic background. These cards were produced in different colors, with some being rarer and more valuable than others. The combination of their scarcity and use of premium materials makes them true grails among collectors.
Inspired by the allure of PMGs, I created an acrylic painting on paper and then mounted it on board. To capture the essence of PMGs, I incorporated metallic paints into the background. This piece serves as the genesis painting for my upcoming series of Precious Metal Pepe artworks, and as such, I felt it was fitting to include Nakamoto.
Green Mamba
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Green Mamba
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Series: 1
Card: 23
Artist: T. Wade
The late-1990s marked the introduction of Precious Metal Gem trading cards, which feature a player's image on a captivating metallic background. These cards were produced in different colors, with some being rarer and more valuable than others. The combination of their scarcity and use of premium materials makes them true grails among collectors.
Inspired by the allure of PMGs, I created an acrylic painting on paper and then mounted it on board. To capture the essence of PMGs, I incorporated metallic paints into the background. This piece serves as the genesis painting for my upcoming series of Precious Metal Pepe artworks, and as such, I felt it was fitting to include Nakamoto.
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