Snoopy The character of the world's largest painting with cats. 44 famous cats - the painting was created for the Guinness Book of Records. Snoopy interesting for his appearance cat breed"snoopy exotic" a breed of exotic cats, whitch at the same time received the unofficial name"pers for the lazy".Exotic have a short-pile fur coat and the face is like that Persian cat. The snoopy exotic breed was bred in the early 90s.#44cats#suprecatizm
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Snoopy The character of the world's largest painting with cats. 44 famous cats - the painting was created for the Guinness Book of Records. Snoopy interesting for his appearance cat breed"snoopy exotic" a breed of exotic cats, whitch at the same time received the unofficial name"pers for the lazy".Exotic have a short-pile fur coat and the face is like that Persian cat. The snoopy exotic breed was bred in the early 90s.#44cats#suprecatizm