Image (color)
Digital: 4800 × 4800 pixels
Physical: Dye-sublimation on metal, 16 × 16 inches
Untitled Film Stills Series 4 is a collection of 26 digital and physical images. Each Untitled Film Still is a digital file and physical artwork. The collector can receive both, or one can be archived by the artist. If a work is resold, the new collector is entitled to both the digital file and physical artwork.
Untitled Film Still 4.5
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Untitled Film Still 4.5

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- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Image (color)
Digital: 4800 × 4800 pixels
Physical: Dye-sublimation on metal, 16 × 16 inches
Untitled Film Stills Series 4 is a collection of 26 digital and physical images. Each Untitled Film Still is a digital file and physical artwork. The collector can receive both, or one can be archived by the artist. If a work is resold, the new collector is entitled to both the digital file and physical artwork.