Some questions that are always at the forefront of my art practice: how do my images relate to the images that precede and surround them; what expectations are we bringing to images, and how are these expectations established and reinforced; what purpose do these expectations serve and how can we interact with these expectations? AI image generators are a fascinating new tool for exploring these questions because they create images based upon a dataset of hundreds of millions of preexisting imagery but are otherwise unfettered by the preexisting expectations of visual culture. That is, they make new images based on predictions from all the images (and image tags) that precede them. However, they are not otherwise bound by human logic or cultural codes and therefore make images that reflect these codes in surprising and often challenging ways, like a funhouse mirror. There is a beautiful collapse of category distinctions and a dynamic interplay between un-indoctrinated naivety and an appreciation of precedent.
Daily.xyz - Misunderstandings (or Life on the Island) is a series of 10 artworks Engman produced for Frieze Magazine and 3 artworks from his interview with The New Yorker.
An art practice questions: image relationships, image expectations and their establishment. AI image generators are a tool to explore these; they create new images from vast pre-existing imagery, unconstrained by visual culture expectations. They predict from all preceding images and tags, unbound by human logic or cultural codes, making images reflecting these codes in unexpected ways. It's a captivating collapse of category distinctions and an interaction between untrained naivety and appreciation of precedent.
Fried Egg II
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Fried Egg II

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- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Some questions that are always at the forefront of my art practice: how do my images relate to the images that precede and surround them; what expectations are we bringing to images, and how are these expectations established and reinforced; what purpose do these expectations serve and how can we interact with these expectations? AI image generators are a fascinating new tool for exploring these questions because they create images based upon a dataset of hundreds of millions of preexisting imagery but are otherwise unfettered by the preexisting expectations of visual culture. That is, they make new images based on predictions from all the images (and image tags) that precede them. However, they are not otherwise bound by human logic or cultural codes and therefore make images that reflect these codes in surprising and often challenging ways, like a funhouse mirror. There is a beautiful collapse of category distinctions and a dynamic interplay between un-indoctrinated naivety and an appreciation of precedent.
Daily.xyz - Misunderstandings (or Life on the Island) is a series of 10 artworks Engman produced for Frieze Magazine and 3 artworks from his interview with The New Yorker.
An art practice questions: image relationships, image expectations and their establishment. AI image generators are a tool to explore these; they create new images from vast pre-existing imagery, unconstrained by visual culture expectations. They predict from all preceding images and tags, unbound by human logic or cultural codes, making images reflecting these codes in unexpected ways. It's a captivating collapse of category distinctions and an interaction between untrained naivety and appreciation of precedent.