10,000 randomly generated cool girls living on the blockchain, celebrating that there is no one definition of what it means to be a girl.
Minting Now! https://www.missocoolgirls.xyz
We are the leading company in the web3 space that is focusing on educating, empowering and building for girls. Miss O Cool Girls is the place for girls in web3 and their allies.
From established tween girl brand, Miss O and Friends, and mother daughter duo creators, our collection features over 600 unique and diverse traits of young teen girls – acne, braces, gap teeth – the mission is to empower and build self-esteem in girls to continue to offset how current media and social media consumption are leading to toxic bullying, trolling and negative role models.
Through our Miss O Cool Girls, we are emphasizing that there is no one definition of what it means to be a girl. The rarest girls will have the realest traits + we love them so much for that.
Our team believes in the importance of creating of safer + healthier spaces online for girls. When you mint a moxie, you are supporting this through web3 ed + all we are building!
MOCG #213
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MOCG #213
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10,000 randomly generated cool girls living on the blockchain, celebrating that there is no one definition of what it means to be a girl.
Minting Now! https://www.missocoolgirls.xyz
We are the leading company in the web3 space that is focusing on educating, empowering and building for girls. Miss O Cool Girls is the place for girls in web3 and their allies.
From established tween girl brand, Miss O and Friends, and mother daughter duo creators, our collection features over 600 unique and diverse traits of young teen girls – acne, braces, gap teeth – the mission is to empower and build self-esteem in girls to continue to offset how current media and social media consumption are leading to toxic bullying, trolling and negative role models.
Through our Miss O Cool Girls, we are emphasizing that there is no one definition of what it means to be a girl. The rarest girls will have the realest traits + we love them so much for that.
Our team believes in the importance of creating of safer + healthier spaces online for girls. When you mint a moxie, you are supporting this through web3 ed + all we are building!