Expertise and Mastery Are NOT the Same...
/ noun, verb ek-spurt; adjective ek-spurt /
1 a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority:
a language expert.
2 Military.
a- the highest rating in rifle marksmanship, above that of a marksman and sharpshooter.
b- a person who has achieved such a rating.
3 possessing special skill or knowledge; trained by practice; skillful or skilled (often followed by "in" or "at"):
an expert driver; an expert in driving; to be expert at driving a car.
4 pertaining to, coming from, or characteristic of an expert:
expert work; expert advice.
Expertise and Mastery Are NOT the Same...
expert / noun, verb ek-spurt; adjective ek-spurt /
noun 1 a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority: a language expert. 2 Military. a- the highest rating in rifle marksmanship, above that of a marksman and sharpshooter. b- a person who has achieved such a rating.
adjective 3 possessing special skill or knowledge; trained by practice; skillful or skilled (often followed by "in" or "at"): an expert driver; an expert in driving; to be expert at driving a car. 4 pertaining to, coming from, or characteristic of an expert: expert work; expert advice.
2023 EXPERT by 1C4RU5
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2023 EXPERT by 1C4RU5
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Expertise and Mastery Are NOT the Same...
/ noun, verb ek-spurt; adjective ek-spurt /
1 a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority:
a language expert.
2 Military.
a- the highest rating in rifle marksmanship, above that of a marksman and sharpshooter.
b- a person who has achieved such a rating.
3 possessing special skill or knowledge; trained by practice; skillful or skilled (often followed by "in" or "at"):
an expert driver; an expert in driving; to be expert at driving a car.
4 pertaining to, coming from, or characteristic of an expert:
expert work; expert advice.
Expertise and Mastery Are NOT the Same...
expert / noun, verb ek-spurt; adjective ek-spurt /
noun 1 a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority: a language expert. 2 Military. a- the highest rating in rifle marksmanship, above that of a marksman and sharpshooter. b- a person who has achieved such a rating.
adjective 3 possessing special skill or knowledge; trained by practice; skillful or skilled (often followed by "in" or "at"): an expert driver; an expert in driving; to be expert at driving a car. 4 pertaining to, coming from, or characteristic of an expert: expert work; expert advice.