NFT of original artwork titled “Floral Eden” created by Anna Zubarev Twitter: @annalzubarev Instagram: @zentangleartstory
Floral Eden is my imaginary place I tend to dream about pretty often. As much as I have the love for the flowers and nature, I enjoy making art from my imagination. I hope you enjoy this artwork.
Dimensions: 3657 x 4210 Files Size: 5.9 MB Resolution: 600
Floral Eden
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Floral Eden
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NFT of original artwork titled “Floral Eden” created by Anna Zubarev Twitter: @annalzubarev Instagram: @zentangleartstory
Floral Eden is my imaginary place I tend to dream about pretty often. As much as I have the love for the flowers and nature, I enjoy making art from my imagination. I hope you enjoy this artwork.
Dimensions: 3657 x 4210 Files Size: 5.9 MB Resolution: 600