Maps for Grief explores the hyper-connected existence, filled with individuals who share common intents, ideals and feelings, but tend to live their sentiments in isolation. Its compositions oppose areas of fluid movement and immobility, revealing the structure of the piece itself: two interacting force fields that dictate the direction, as well as the strength – or absence – of movement.
On the keyboard: Press A to have the lines gently animate. Use the 1/2/3 keys to inspect the fields that make up each iteration.
Art Blocks Collection: Presents
Heritage Art Blocks Collection: Factory
Project Description: Maps for Grief explores the hyper-connected existence, filled with individuals who share common intents, ideals and feelings, but tend to live their sentiments in isolation. Its compositions oppose areas of fluid movement and immobility, revealing the structure of the piece itself: two interacting force fields that dictate the direction, as well as the strength – or absence – of movement.
On the keyboard: Press A to have the lines gently animate. Use the 1/2/3 keys to inspect the fields that make up each iteration.
Maps for grief #369
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Maps for grief #369
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- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Maps for Grief explores the hyper-connected existence, filled with individuals who share common intents, ideals and feelings, but tend to live their sentiments in isolation. Its compositions oppose areas of fluid movement and immobility, revealing the structure of the piece itself: two interacting force fields that dictate the direction, as well as the strength – or absence – of movement.
On the keyboard: Press A to have the lines gently animate. Use the 1/2/3 keys to inspect the fields that make up each iteration.
Art Blocks Collection: Presents
Heritage Art Blocks Collection: Factory
Project Description: Maps for Grief explores the hyper-connected existence, filled with individuals who share common intents, ideals and feelings, but tend to live their sentiments in isolation. Its compositions oppose areas of fluid movement and immobility, revealing the structure of the piece itself: two interacting force fields that dictate the direction, as well as the strength – or absence – of movement.
On the keyboard: Press A to have the lines gently animate. Use the 1/2/3 keys to inspect the fields that make up each iteration.
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