Title: BEAUTY quater turned
from Ayako Kato JAPANESE Wall painting and Graphic designer
Description: Japanese faces are thinner than Westerners. Some rare beauties have deep chiseled features, high noses, and double features, and it is the QUATER TURNED that makes such beauties look their best.
Ayako's History: She worked as an interior clay modeler at Honda R&D Center for about 8.5 years. After that, she moved to Australia to live in Sydney. Returning to Japan, she has been working as a freelance wall painting and graphic designer since 2015.
Ayako Kato Collection #003
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Ayako Kato Collection #003
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Title: BEAUTY quater turned
from Ayako Kato JAPANESE Wall painting and Graphic designer
Description: Japanese faces are thinner than Westerners. Some rare beauties have deep chiseled features, high noses, and double features, and it is the QUATER TURNED that makes such beauties look their best.
Ayako's History: She worked as an interior clay modeler at Honda R&D Center for about 8.5 years. After that, she moved to Australia to live in Sydney. Returning to Japan, she has been working as a freelance wall painting and graphic designer since 2015.