Title: BEAUTY looking back
from Ayako Kato JAPANESE Wall painting and Graphic designer
Description: In the old days, this style (pose) was the style of Hishikawa Moronobu, who established Ukiyoe in the 17th century as a style of beauty painting. We have created an emotional homage with modern-style beauties.
Ayako's History: She worked as an interior clay modeler at Honda R&D Center for about 8.5 years. After that, she moved to Australia to live in Sydney. Returning to Japan, she has been working as a freelance wall painting and graphic designer since 2015.
Ayako Kato Collection #001
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Ayako Kato Collection #001
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Title: BEAUTY looking back
from Ayako Kato JAPANESE Wall painting and Graphic designer
Description: In the old days, this style (pose) was the style of Hishikawa Moronobu, who established Ukiyoe in the 17th century as a style of beauty painting. We have created an emotional homage with modern-style beauties.
Ayako's History: She worked as an interior clay modeler at Honda R&D Center for about 8.5 years. After that, she moved to Australia to live in Sydney. Returning to Japan, she has been working as a freelance wall painting and graphic designer since 2015.