Lofi Guy #029
The beat for this Lofi Guy is titled Avatar Aang by L.Dre. It has over 160k streams on Spotify. L.Dre is giving away 50% of the mechanical streaming royalties to the 5 holders of this piece.
Each holder will receive 10% of the streaming royalties for as long as they still own the piece. Holders of this piece will need to join the Vybe Village discord to verify holdings and get the royalties set up.
Lofi Guy is an on going collectible art & music project by artist Cody A Banks and music producer L.Dre. It consists of unique animations of the Lofi Guy character perfectly synced with original lofi hip hop instrumentals. This is not a generative project. Each Lofi Guy is hand made with love by the creators.
The style changes but the signature head bop remains the same.
Lofi Guy #029
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Lofi Guy #029
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Lofi Guy #029
The beat for this Lofi Guy is titled Avatar Aang by L.Dre. It has over 160k streams on Spotify. L.Dre is giving away 50% of the mechanical streaming royalties to the 5 holders of this piece.
Each holder will receive 10% of the streaming royalties for as long as they still own the piece. Holders of this piece will need to join the Vybe Village discord to verify holdings and get the royalties set up.
Lofi Guy is an on going collectible art & music project by artist Cody A Banks and music producer L.Dre. It consists of unique animations of the Lofi Guy character perfectly synced with original lofi hip hop instrumentals. This is not a generative project. Each Lofi Guy is hand made with love by the creators.
The style changes but the signature head bop remains the same.
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