Artist Alejandra Glez, Absence-Presence, edition 1 of 1. Absence-Presence is the natural evolution and the third piece in a series of works by Alejandra Glez, ‘Mar de fondo’ (Backdrop sea) (2017). This series prompts inconvenient truths and unanswered questions. In it, the bodies of models representing deceased women, the victims of gender violence, femicide, women trafficking and illegal immigration, float naked on the sea surface until they sink. At first, their silhouette remains visible. Then, it slowly fades away thus symbolizing how most of the violence against women tragically fall into oblivion. exists at the crossroads of the traditional and crypto art communities. It works in collaboration with artists to create, distribute, and sell works that harness blockchain’s decentralized community, digital scarcity, and seemingly endless applications. A bridge between art and blockchain, provides a unique perspective by creating accessibility and creative exchange between the two communities.
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Artist Alejandra Glez, Absence-Presence, edition 1 of 1. Absence-Presence is the natural evolution and the third piece in a series of works by Alejandra Glez, ‘Mar de fondo’ (Backdrop sea) (2017). This series prompts inconvenient truths and unanswered questions. In it, the bodies of models representing deceased women, the victims of gender violence, femicide, women trafficking and illegal immigration, float naked on the sea surface until they sink. At first, their silhouette remains visible. Then, it slowly fades away thus symbolizing how most of the violence against women tragically fall into oblivion. exists at the crossroads of the traditional and crypto art communities. It works in collaboration with artists to create, distribute, and sell works that harness blockchain’s decentralized community, digital scarcity, and seemingly endless applications. A bridge between art and blockchain, provides a unique perspective by creating accessibility and creative exchange between the two communities.
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