C.R.E.A.M. story -cat rules everything around me-
One Cat's Story
Code name "Michael
He is a cat with artificial intelligence created by an engineer based on a cat's DNA. Michael's mission is "Fashion x Street", and he explores the street everyday for this mission. His special ability is that he can change his fur color and eye color freely according to the fashion. And he only wears it on the coolest things!
A fashion icon in the cat world, Michael lives on the streets of the blockchain and leaves his mark every day.
digital streetに生きる彼は、1人のエンジニアによって、とある猫のDNAを元に造られた人口知能を持った猫である マイケルに与えられた任務は『ファッション×street』この任務のために日々streetを探検している 彼の特殊能力はファッションに合わせて毛皮の色も眼の色も自由自在に変幻できる しかも最高にクールな物にしか身につけない
history is made one cat × one engineer’s story
C.R.E.A.M. #030
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
C.R.E.A.M. #030

- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
C.R.E.A.M. story -cat rules everything around me-
One Cat's Story
Code name "Michael
He is a cat with artificial intelligence created by an engineer based on a cat's DNA. Michael's mission is "Fashion x Street", and he explores the street everyday for this mission. His special ability is that he can change his fur color and eye color freely according to the fashion. And he only wears it on the coolest things!
A fashion icon in the cat world, Michael lives on the streets of the blockchain and leaves his mark every day.
digital streetに生きる彼は、1人のエンジニアによって、とある猫のDNAを元に造られた人口知能を持った猫である マイケルに与えられた任務は『ファッション×street』この任務のために日々streetを探検している 彼の特殊能力はファッションに合わせて毛皮の色も眼の色も自由自在に変幻できる しかも最高にクールな物にしか身につけない
history is made one cat × one engineer’s story