CYAN version of "Kitakyushu Area". Details are on the collection page.
If you win the high bid (around $1,000), you will receive this art on canvas(Size: 410 x 318 mm) if you wish.
Psychological effects of CYAN
Increased conceptualization.
Increased expressiveness.
Increased concentration.
Facilitates communication.
Time seems shorter.
This is the 13th installment of the "Let's Travel Japan with Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Kitakyushu. In olden times, it was called Hizen Province. In pictorial terms, the main cities are Kitakyushu, Munakata, and Iizuka. This area is characterized by plains, but also mountainous areas. The castle in this area is Kokura Castle. The sea in the foreground is the Hibikinada Sea. The rivers depicted are the Onga River (Uchisumi River, Honami River, Hikoyama River, Hikosan River, Nakamotoji River, and Kanabe River). The roads depicted are National Routes 3 and 10.
G013-c Kitakyushu Area CYAN
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G013-c Kitakyushu Area CYAN
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CYAN version of "Kitakyushu Area". Details are on the collection page.
If you win the high bid (around $1,000), you will receive this art on canvas(Size: 410 x 318 mm) if you wish.
Psychological effects of CYAN
Increased conceptualization.
Increased expressiveness.
Increased concentration.
Facilitates communication.
Time seems shorter.
This is the 13th installment of the "Let's Travel Japan with Paintings" series. This time, the setting is Kitakyushu. In olden times, it was called Hizen Province. In pictorial terms, the main cities are Kitakyushu, Munakata, and Iizuka. This area is characterized by plains, but also mountainous areas. The castle in this area is Kokura Castle. The sea in the foreground is the Hibikinada Sea. The rivers depicted are the Onga River (Uchisumi River, Honami River, Hikoyama River, Hikosan River, Nakamotoji River, and Kanabe River). The roads depicted are National Routes 3 and 10.