I Don't Belong Here 1 of 4 Canvas Print
Kan’s oil painting series “I don’t belong here” explores her outsider status from psychological, ethnic and gender terms whilst living in London, UK since the age of 10 as well as the experience of British Festival culture and her incessant need to combine incompatible people, whom she has met along the way, in various, absurdist, idiosyncratic narrative frameworks.
Access to Katya Kan Private Members Group.
Purchasing this print also gives direct access to Katya Kan. Link Provided upon minting.
I Don't Belong Here 1 of 4 Canvas Print
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I Don't Belong Here 1 of 4 Canvas Print

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I Don't Belong Here 1 of 4 Canvas Print
Kan’s oil painting series “I don’t belong here” explores her outsider status from psychological, ethnic and gender terms whilst living in London, UK since the age of 10 as well as the experience of British Festival culture and her incessant need to combine incompatible people, whom she has met along the way, in various, absurdist, idiosyncratic narrative frameworks.
Access to Katya Kan Private Members Group.
Purchasing this print also gives direct access to Katya Kan. Link Provided upon minting.