If I were to be reborn, I would want to be a part of your body.
I want to become blood and swim through your body.
I want to become your heart and watch over the beating of your life until the very end.
I want to become a voice and play the melody that overflows from this body.
for you.
I'm pining for you.
I express the light of life with flowers, plants, and light. The beauty, strength, fragility, youth, and weakness of life. This collection proves that the present moment is very vivid and vividly depicted.
恋焦がれる【be deeply in love with】 #5
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恋焦がれる【be deeply in love with】 #5
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- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
If I were to be reborn, I would want to be a part of your body.
I want to become blood and swim through your body.
I want to become your heart and watch over the beating of your life until the very end.
I want to become a voice and play the melody that overflows from this body.
for you.
I'm pining for you.
I express the light of life with flowers, plants, and light. The beauty, strength, fragility, youth, and weakness of life. This collection proves that the present moment is very vivid and vividly depicted.