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This image shows rules and concept of the collection "The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN.

■RULES (HOW TO PLAY "The Millennium play")

(1)Among the four NFTs in the collection, a person may hold only one piece in his/her lifetime. (2)You must sell or transfer the NFT to the next person while you are alive and able to operate the wallet. (3)You must NOT burn the NFT. (4)Never share the locked contents with others until July-11, 3022 A.D. (Japan Standard Time) (5)Each person who has the NFT at the time of July-11, 3022 A.D. must expose the locked content of the NFT to the other holders of this collection.

What will happen will be a surprise until July-11,3022.

■Concept of this collection

For what purpose do I paint? To be appreciated in this world? To leave something behind for future generations? To connect with someone through painting? All of these seems right, but on the other hand, I also think that I paint for the simple pleasure of it. In "Ryojin Hisho" compiled by Go-Shirakawa-in at the end of the Heian period, more than 800 years ago, there is a poem that says, "Play is surely the greatest purpose of life." Then I came up with the idea that I wish to play with you for a thousand years to come. I have put this wish on four pictures engraved on the blockchain. These artworks are the memories of the pure play of my childhood. Let's play the simple game of connecting those four pictures person to person for a thousand years by following the rules.

Every game needs a common rule. For example, in a trump game of Old Maid, you must not look at your opponent's hand, and you must only draw one card from your opponent's hand. By following the rules, each participant can continue to enjoy the game. Therefore, please read the above rules carefully.

If you are reading this, please play with me!

■Purchase Agreement

The purchaser shall read and agree to the following agreement and conditions before purchasing this NFT.

  1. Copyright is not transferred. ・Copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights are not transferred to the purchaser and will remain with the Publisher (the rightful owner of the work).
  2. Commercial use is prohibited. ・The use or provision of some or all of the images, videos, music, etc. in this NFT for the following purposes constitutes infringement of intellectual property rights and is prohibited. (1) Providing images, videos, music, etc. to others beyond the scope of home use. (2) Use for commercial purposes (commercial use includes use for apparel, interior design, stationery, and various other goods, publication in publications, posting on online stores and commercial websites, etc.) (3) To register intellectual property such as copyrights and trademarks. (4) Altering or processing the images, names of works, descriptions, videos, music, etc. contained in this NFT. ・In the event that the purchaser, transferee, or any other third party suffers damage in connection with the purchase or sale of this NFT, the Publisher shall not be held liable for any legal action, no matter what the cause of the damage may be.
  3. Downloading of NFT Files ・Only the purchaser is permitted to download and save this NFT file to his/her own local computer or other storage device.
  4. Permission to introduce the creator's work ・The purchaser acquires ownership of this NFT, but the creator of the copyright may freely display the work, introduce the work in a portfolio, commercialize the work, or license the work to a third party in the course of the creator's activities, without hindrance.
  5. ownership of the actual work ・The purchaser shall acquire the ownership of the NFT, but shall not have the ownership of the actual work, if any. *"Purchaser" in this agreement means not only the person who bought this NFT and also the person who received this NFT. ©TAKUROMAN
"The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN collection image



なんのために絵を描くのか 今の世で評価されるためだろうか 後の世に何かを残すためだろうか 絵を通じて誰かとつながるためだろうか 欲張りなのか、どれも正しく思える一方で 単純に楽しいから描いているのだとも思う 平安時代末期の頃、後白河院により編纂された「梁塵秘抄」の中で、 遊ぶために人は生まれてくるのかという歌がある 遊びとは、きっと人生の最も大きな目的なのだ ぼくは、君たちと千年にわたり戯れたいと思い立った その願いをブロックチェーンに刻んだ4枚の絵に託した 絵には、ぼくの子ども時代の純粋な遊びの記憶を込めている そのたった4枚の絵をルールを守って千年間つないでいくというシンプルな遊び

遊びには、共通ルールが必要だ たとえばトランプのババ抜きなら、相手の手札を見てはならない、相手の札を引く時は1枚のみ、といった遊び方のルールだ ルールを守ることで参加者それぞれが楽しみながら遊びを続けていくことができる だから以下のルールを注意深く読んでほしい


(1) コレクション内のNFT4点のうち、1人の人が保有できるのは一生のうち1枚までとする (2) 自分が生きてウォレットを操作できるうちにNFTを次の誰かに販売または譲渡すること (3) NFTをBURNしてはならない (4) ロックされたコンテンツの内容は西暦3022年7月11日(日本時間)までは決して人に教えてはならない (5) 西暦3022年7月11日時点でNFTを保有している人は、各NFTのロックしたコンテンツの内容を互いに伝え合う



■English version RULES and CONCEPT "The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

READ THIS FIRST PLEASE. Rules and Concept of the collection "The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN

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READ THIS FIRST PLEASE. Rules and Concept of the collection "The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN


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    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

This image shows rules and concept of the collection "The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN.

■RULES (HOW TO PLAY "The Millennium play")

(1)Among the four NFTs in the collection, a person may hold only one piece in his/her lifetime. (2)You must sell or transfer the NFT to the next person while you are alive and able to operate the wallet. (3)You must NOT burn the NFT. (4)Never share the locked contents with others until July-11, 3022 A.D. (Japan Standard Time) (5)Each person who has the NFT at the time of July-11, 3022 A.D. must expose the locked content of the NFT to the other holders of this collection.

What will happen will be a surprise until July-11,3022.

■Concept of this collection

For what purpose do I paint? To be appreciated in this world? To leave something behind for future generations? To connect with someone through painting? All of these seems right, but on the other hand, I also think that I paint for the simple pleasure of it. In "Ryojin Hisho" compiled by Go-Shirakawa-in at the end of the Heian period, more than 800 years ago, there is a poem that says, "Play is surely the greatest purpose of life." Then I came up with the idea that I wish to play with you for a thousand years to come. I have put this wish on four pictures engraved on the blockchain. These artworks are the memories of the pure play of my childhood. Let's play the simple game of connecting those four pictures person to person for a thousand years by following the rules.

Every game needs a common rule. For example, in a trump game of Old Maid, you must not look at your opponent's hand, and you must only draw one card from your opponent's hand. By following the rules, each participant can continue to enjoy the game. Therefore, please read the above rules carefully.

If you are reading this, please play with me!

■Purchase Agreement

The purchaser shall read and agree to the following agreement and conditions before purchasing this NFT.

  1. Copyright is not transferred. ・Copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights are not transferred to the purchaser and will remain with the Publisher (the rightful owner of the work).
  2. Commercial use is prohibited. ・The use or provision of some or all of the images, videos, music, etc. in this NFT for the following purposes constitutes infringement of intellectual property rights and is prohibited. (1) Providing images, videos, music, etc. to others beyond the scope of home use. (2) Use for commercial purposes (commercial use includes use for apparel, interior design, stationery, and various other goods, publication in publications, posting on online stores and commercial websites, etc.) (3) To register intellectual property such as copyrights and trademarks. (4) Altering or processing the images, names of works, descriptions, videos, music, etc. contained in this NFT. ・In the event that the purchaser, transferee, or any other third party suffers damage in connection with the purchase or sale of this NFT, the Publisher shall not be held liable for any legal action, no matter what the cause of the damage may be.
  3. Downloading of NFT Files ・Only the purchaser is permitted to download and save this NFT file to his/her own local computer or other storage device.
  4. Permission to introduce the creator's work ・The purchaser acquires ownership of this NFT, but the creator of the copyright may freely display the work, introduce the work in a portfolio, commercialize the work, or license the work to a third party in the course of the creator's activities, without hindrance.
  5. ownership of the actual work ・The purchaser shall acquire the ownership of the NFT, but shall not have the ownership of the actual work, if any. *"Purchaser" in this agreement means not only the person who bought this NFT and also the person who received this NFT. ©TAKUROMAN
"The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN collection image



なんのために絵を描くのか 今の世で評価されるためだろうか 後の世に何かを残すためだろうか 絵を通じて誰かとつながるためだろうか 欲張りなのか、どれも正しく思える一方で 単純に楽しいから描いているのだとも思う 平安時代末期の頃、後白河院により編纂された「梁塵秘抄」の中で、 遊ぶために人は生まれてくるのかという歌がある 遊びとは、きっと人生の最も大きな目的なのだ ぼくは、君たちと千年にわたり戯れたいと思い立った その願いをブロックチェーンに刻んだ4枚の絵に託した 絵には、ぼくの子ども時代の純粋な遊びの記憶を込めている そのたった4枚の絵をルールを守って千年間つないでいくというシンプルな遊び

遊びには、共通ルールが必要だ たとえばトランプのババ抜きなら、相手の手札を見てはならない、相手の札を引く時は1枚のみ、といった遊び方のルールだ ルールを守ることで参加者それぞれが楽しみながら遊びを続けていくことができる だから以下のルールを注意深く読んでほしい


(1) コレクション内のNFT4点のうち、1人の人が保有できるのは一生のうち1枚までとする (2) 自分が生きてウォレットを操作できるうちにNFTを次の誰かに販売または譲渡すること (3) NFTをBURNしてはならない (4) ロックされたコンテンツの内容は西暦3022年7月11日(日本時間)までは決して人に教えてはならない (5) 西暦3022年7月11日時点でNFTを保有している人は、各NFTのロックしたコンテンツの内容を互いに伝え合う



■English version RULES and CONCEPT "The Millennium Play" by TAKUROMAN

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings