Soul Portraits
A serie of video art soul portraits made by Linayo.
Every one of these characters are the holders of special gifts Each Soul Image has a mirror Soul Image as a Twin Soul. To find the Twin Soul will double the strength and the power of the special gifts. About the creation process: I created this Art Video by adding fractal pieces of art. Each piece of the collage is created with a piece of art I created before starting this puzzle. Each of these pieces are fractal art created by the use of crystal's in some form, be it water, ice, salt etc. Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves infinitely in both directions. Nature is made up of fractals, so is the rhythm of heartbeats, of the universe, our own DNA etc. Each image emanates a unique energy, vibration and meaning. I created this special collection to bring joy to your heart and beauty to your soul. This piece of Intuïtive Fractal Energy Art has the intention to heal the soul. I
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Soul Portraits
A serie of video art soul portraits made by Linayo.
Every one of these characters are the holders of special gifts Each Soul Image has a mirror Soul Image as a Twin Soul. To find the Twin Soul will double the strength and the power of the special gifts. About the creation process: I created this Art Video by adding fractal pieces of art. Each piece of the collage is created with a piece of art I created before starting this puzzle. Each of these pieces are fractal art created by the use of crystal's in some form, be it water, ice, salt etc. Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves infinitely in both directions. Nature is made up of fractals, so is the rhythm of heartbeats, of the universe, our own DNA etc. Each image emanates a unique energy, vibration and meaning. I created this special collection to bring joy to your heart and beauty to your soul. This piece of Intuïtive Fractal Energy Art has the intention to heal the soul. I