Bernard Planche, who has been a “trufficulteur” (truffle grower) in the Dordogne region for more than 30 years, found a "tuber melanosporum" weighing approximately 1.2kg which he presented at the Sarlat market on 5 February.
Learning from the reputation of his beloved region for wine lovers around the world, Bernard Planche has chosen to combine modernity and tradition and auction it as an NFT, starting Wednesday, February 9th, 9AM CET time.
The winner of the auction will also be invited to enjoy a private day of truffle-hunting demonstrations (searching for truffles with dogs or pigs) in Saint-Cirq-Madelon, in the Périgord, Bernard Planche's estate. The day will end with a meal on site with the "Surprise du Chef"!
The Big Truffle 2022
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The Big Truffle 2022
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Bernard Planche, who has been a “trufficulteur” (truffle grower) in the Dordogne region for more than 30 years, found a "tuber melanosporum" weighing approximately 1.2kg which he presented at the Sarlat market on 5 February.
Learning from the reputation of his beloved region for wine lovers around the world, Bernard Planche has chosen to combine modernity and tradition and auction it as an NFT, starting Wednesday, February 9th, 9AM CET time.
The winner of the auction will also be invited to enjoy a private day of truffle-hunting demonstrations (searching for truffles with dogs or pigs) in Saint-Cirq-Madelon, in the Périgord, Bernard Planche's estate. The day will end with a meal on site with the "Surprise du Chef"!
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