Hel, goddess of death, was the daughter of Loki, god of evil, and of the giantess Angur-boda, the portender of ill. She came into the world in a dark cave in Jötun-heim together with the serpent lörmungandr and the terrible Fenris wolf, the trio being considered as the emblems of pain, sin, and death.
Now Loki comes, cause of all ill! Men and Æsir curse him still. Long shall the gods deplore, Even till Time be o’er, His base fraud on Asgard’s hill. While, deep in Jötunheim, most fell, Are Fenrir, Serpent, and Dread Hel, Pain, Sin, and Death, his children three, Brought up and cherished; thro‘ them he Tormentor of the world shall be. -Valhalla, J. C. Jones
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Hel, goddess of death, was the daughter of Loki, god of evil, and of the giantess Angur-boda, the portender of ill. She came into the world in a dark cave in Jötun-heim together with the serpent lörmungandr and the terrible Fenris wolf, the trio being considered as the emblems of pain, sin, and death.
Now Loki comes, cause of all ill! Men and Æsir curse him still. Long shall the gods deplore, Even till Time be o’er, His base fraud on Asgard’s hill. While, deep in Jötunheim, most fell, Are Fenrir, Serpent, and Dread Hel, Pain, Sin, and Death, his children three, Brought up and cherished; thro‘ them he Tormentor of the world shall be. -Valhalla, J. C. Jones
More info on website octogods.co