"Nakagin Capsule Tower Building" is a masterpiece of "Metabolism" designed by Kisho Kurokawa. Although this is a world-famous building, the building has been demolished since April 2022 due to the problem of aging. It has also been featured in various media. https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/japan-nakagin-capsule-tower-being-demolished-intl-hnk/index.html
image video: https://youtu.be/7vdW81Z9Bvg
People all over the world say that this historic building should be preserved. Due to its artistic value, we are in discussions to donate capsules to more than 20 museums around the world (we will inform you about the museums that have been decided to donate on Twitter etc.). https://twitter.com/KABUKI_X_2022
Kisho Kurokawa is a world-famous architect who has won the gold medal of the French Academy of Architecture, which is said to be the Nobel Prize in the architectural world.
We created 3D CAD data based on the architectural drawings owned by Kurokawa Design Office. NFT purchasers have the right to build, use, sell, etc. the Nakagin Capsule Tower in the real world based on this CAD data. We sell only one edition of tokens with these rights.
Usage example: ・ Place capsules in resort areas and use them as resort facilities ・ Transport capsules to disaster areas and use them as temporary housing in the event of a disaster ・ It is possible to provide a new mobile resort by moving to the best area for each season.
We also have images of specific projects available, so if you are interested, please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail address. Come on! Contact:info@kabuki-x.com
We are the first player in the world to sell NFTs on art architecture.
The world is paying attention to this NFT business, and we have been featured in the media around the world. https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/culture/20220721-OYT1T50164/ https://xtech.nikkei.com/atcl/nxt/column/18/00154/01483/
Please read the terms below for details. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19xW18IZ3r9Li9m0hxUdyxUAdG3twGUJe/view?usp=sharing
"Nakagin Capsule Tower Building" is a masterpiece of "Metabolism" designed by Kisho Kurokawa. Although this is a world-famous building, the building has been demolished since April 2022 due to the problem of aging. It has also been featured in various media.
People all over the world say that this historic building should be preserved. Due to its artistic value, we are in discussions to donate capsules to more than 20 museums around the world (we will inform you about the museums that have been decided to donate on Twitter etc.).
Kisho Kurokawa is a world-famous architect who has won the gold medal of the French Academy of Architecture, which is said to be the Nobel Prize in the architectural world.
We are the first player in the world to sell NFTs on art architecture!
Nakagin Capsule Tower(rebuildable in physical world)
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Nakagin Capsule Tower(rebuildable in physical world)
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
"Nakagin Capsule Tower Building" is a masterpiece of "Metabolism" designed by Kisho Kurokawa. Although this is a world-famous building, the building has been demolished since April 2022 due to the problem of aging. It has also been featured in various media. https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/japan-nakagin-capsule-tower-being-demolished-intl-hnk/index.html
image video: https://youtu.be/7vdW81Z9Bvg
People all over the world say that this historic building should be preserved. Due to its artistic value, we are in discussions to donate capsules to more than 20 museums around the world (we will inform you about the museums that have been decided to donate on Twitter etc.). https://twitter.com/KABUKI_X_2022
Kisho Kurokawa is a world-famous architect who has won the gold medal of the French Academy of Architecture, which is said to be the Nobel Prize in the architectural world.
We created 3D CAD data based on the architectural drawings owned by Kurokawa Design Office. NFT purchasers have the right to build, use, sell, etc. the Nakagin Capsule Tower in the real world based on this CAD data. We sell only one edition of tokens with these rights.
Usage example: ・ Place capsules in resort areas and use them as resort facilities ・ Transport capsules to disaster areas and use them as temporary housing in the event of a disaster ・ It is possible to provide a new mobile resort by moving to the best area for each season.
We also have images of specific projects available, so if you are interested, please feel free to contact us at the following e-mail address. Come on! Contact:info@kabuki-x.com
We are the first player in the world to sell NFTs on art architecture.
The world is paying attention to this NFT business, and we have been featured in the media around the world. https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/culture/20220721-OYT1T50164/ https://xtech.nikkei.com/atcl/nxt/column/18/00154/01483/
Please read the terms below for details. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19xW18IZ3r9Li9m0hxUdyxUAdG3twGUJe/view?usp=sharing
"Nakagin Capsule Tower Building" is a masterpiece of "Metabolism" designed by Kisho Kurokawa. Although this is a world-famous building, the building has been demolished since April 2022 due to the problem of aging. It has also been featured in various media.
People all over the world say that this historic building should be preserved. Due to its artistic value, we are in discussions to donate capsules to more than 20 museums around the world (we will inform you about the museums that have been decided to donate on Twitter etc.).
Kisho Kurokawa is a world-famous architect who has won the gold medal of the French Academy of Architecture, which is said to be the Nobel Prize in the architectural world.
We are the first player in the world to sell NFTs on art architecture!
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