Zodiac Seasons: Spring Begins (立春)
“Spring Begins” is the first of the twenty-four solar terms, and marks the commencement of the zodiac year of the rabbit. It represents the beginning of spring, the recovery of all things, and the rejuvenation of the earth, and which contains infinite vitality. For the year of the Rabbit, Spring Begins on February 4, 2023 at 10:42 am (GT+8).
“Spring Begins” is divided into three phases each lasting 5 days: First, the east wind brings warmth to thaw the frozen earth; second, insects hidden in the soil and caves begin to wake up; third, the fish begin to swim toward the melting ice on the water surface. This is the period when the earth begins to feel the radiance of the tender sun, and which translates to an awakening of warmth and human values.
“立春”是二十四節氣的第一個節氣,標誌著兔年的開始。它代表著春天的開始,萬物的复蘇,大地的更新,蘊含著無窮的生機。兔年立春將於 2023 年 2 月 4 日上午 10:42(GT+8)開始。
The WAY is a series of NFT collectibles depicting a wide varieties of oriental spiritual and metaphysical culture, representing the guiding principles and protective values for 5000 uninterrupted years. The graphics convey the philosophy and mystical charm that pervade our daily life of harmony and interaction with nature. The WAY is “To Be”.
Zodiac Seasons
Ancient Chinese agricultural society has always been sensitive to seasonal changes and elemental forces affecting crops and livelihood in the fields from the effect of the moon and movement of the Sun. A zodiac year is a system of 24 solar terms each of 15 days, and each comprises of 3 stages depicting the characteristic responses of the earth to the changing season.
The WAY presents a collection of graphics of notable cultural value to correspond to each solar term, as powerful reminders of a sustainable and harmonious lifestyle, and to accompany and protect us from the challenging elements of the varying seasons.
Zodiac Seasons - 3 Rabbits Sharing Ears
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Zodiac Seasons - 3 Rabbits Sharing Ears
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Zodiac Seasons: Spring Begins (立春)
“Spring Begins” is the first of the twenty-four solar terms, and marks the commencement of the zodiac year of the rabbit. It represents the beginning of spring, the recovery of all things, and the rejuvenation of the earth, and which contains infinite vitality. For the year of the Rabbit, Spring Begins on February 4, 2023 at 10:42 am (GT+8).
“Spring Begins” is divided into three phases each lasting 5 days: First, the east wind brings warmth to thaw the frozen earth; second, insects hidden in the soil and caves begin to wake up; third, the fish begin to swim toward the melting ice on the water surface. This is the period when the earth begins to feel the radiance of the tender sun, and which translates to an awakening of warmth and human values.
“立春”是二十四節氣的第一個節氣,標誌著兔年的開始。它代表著春天的開始,萬物的复蘇,大地的更新,蘊含著無窮的生機。兔年立春將於 2023 年 2 月 4 日上午 10:42(GT+8)開始。
The WAY is a series of NFT collectibles depicting a wide varieties of oriental spiritual and metaphysical culture, representing the guiding principles and protective values for 5000 uninterrupted years. The graphics convey the philosophy and mystical charm that pervade our daily life of harmony and interaction with nature. The WAY is “To Be”.
Zodiac Seasons
Ancient Chinese agricultural society has always been sensitive to seasonal changes and elemental forces affecting crops and livelihood in the fields from the effect of the moon and movement of the Sun. A zodiac year is a system of 24 solar terms each of 15 days, and each comprises of 3 stages depicting the characteristic responses of the earth to the changing season.
The WAY presents a collection of graphics of notable cultural value to correspond to each solar term, as powerful reminders of a sustainable and harmonious lifestyle, and to accompany and protect us from the challenging elements of the varying seasons.