アジアゾウのゾーイちゃん🐘 誰とでもすぐ仲良くなっちゃう女の子 実はとても頭がよく、Animal Girlsシリーズ随一の頭脳
"Animal Parker Girls" と "Animal ♡♡♡ Girls"を結ぶアンバサダーに大抜擢‼ 今回はパーカー『Parker』と祭り『Festival』を組み合わせた特別な1枚です。
Asian elephant Zoe 🐘 A girl who makes friends with anyone In fact, she is very smart and is the best brain in the Animal Girls series.
Greatly selected as an ambassador to connect "Animal Parker Girls" and "Animal ♡♡♡ Girls"!! This time it is a special piece that combines the hoodie "Parker" and the festival "Festival".
Parker Girls 17
『動物×パーカー×女の子』のかわいいイラストを描いています✿︎ 動物の種類にもこだわり、見た目の特徴や性格をイラストにも表現しています(* 'ᵕ' )☆
※コレクションはpolygonとETHで分けています。ご了承くださいm(_ _)m
I'm drawing a cute illustration of "animal x parker x girl" ✿︎ We are particular about the types of animals and express their appearance and personality in the illustrations (*'ᵕ') ☆
- The collection is divided into polygon and ETH. Please note m (_ _) m
Asian elephant Parker and Festival girl "Zoe"
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Asian elephant Parker and Festival girl "Zoe"

- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
アジアゾウのゾーイちゃん🐘 誰とでもすぐ仲良くなっちゃう女の子 実はとても頭がよく、Animal Girlsシリーズ随一の頭脳
"Animal Parker Girls" と "Animal ♡♡♡ Girls"を結ぶアンバサダーに大抜擢‼ 今回はパーカー『Parker』と祭り『Festival』を組み合わせた特別な1枚です。
Asian elephant Zoe 🐘 A girl who makes friends with anyone In fact, she is very smart and is the best brain in the Animal Girls series.
Greatly selected as an ambassador to connect "Animal Parker Girls" and "Animal ♡♡♡ Girls"!! This time it is a special piece that combines the hoodie "Parker" and the festival "Festival".
Parker Girls 17
『動物×パーカー×女の子』のかわいいイラストを描いています✿︎ 動物の種類にもこだわり、見た目の特徴や性格をイラストにも表現しています(* 'ᵕ' )☆
※コレクションはpolygonとETHで分けています。ご了承くださいm(_ _)m
I'm drawing a cute illustration of "animal x parker x girl" ✿︎ We are particular about the types of animals and express their appearance and personality in the illustrations (*'ᵕ') ☆
- The collection is divided into polygon and ETH. Please note m (_ _) m