The start of a new entertainment franchise, Martian Premier League characters are an eclectic mix of humans and rarer martians. Each collectible will grant its owner one-time access to a genesis player in the MPL game.
The Martian Premier League is a collection of 10,000 unique human and Martian characters living on the Ethereum blockchain. These characters are your route into the Martian Premier League game: a ‘football manager’ style game where holders can train, trade and compete in the MPL league. Over time there will be further application for these genesis characters outside of the first MPL game. Visit for more details and t&cs.
MPL #5450
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MPL #5450
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The start of a new entertainment franchise, Martian Premier League characters are an eclectic mix of humans and rarer martians. Each collectible will grant its owner one-time access to a genesis player in the MPL game.
The Martian Premier League is a collection of 10,000 unique human and Martian characters living on the Ethereum blockchain. These characters are your route into the Martian Premier League game: a ‘football manager’ style game where holders can train, trade and compete in the MPL league. Over time there will be further application for these genesis characters outside of the first MPL game. Visit for more details and t&cs.
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