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Yeo-Sun Incident. 19th October 1948. Yeo-Sun Incident took place in October-November 1948 following the Jeju Uprising, as the soldiers of the 14th Regiment raised arms in opposition to the government's order of shooting Jeju people. Because they didn't want to kill the People on Jeju island. even though, they had the order from the government. More than 10,000 civilians were killed in the process of suppressing the resistance.

I wanted to share my family's story about Yeo-Sun Incident. That day, 19th of October 1948, My grandfather's little brother was sitting on the floor of his house. He was only 19 years old at that time.

Some soldiers came to his house, and they looked at his hand and said, " his hands are so white, maybe he didn't work. let's take him."

That was the last moment that he was staying at his house. And he was sacrificed with 2 more relatives that day. So, I drew his house to let him see and stay there with other relatives to comfort them.

In Greek, the word 'Psyche' has 2 meanings, 'butterfly' and 'soul/mind'. In this painting, 3 souls are symbolized by butterflies, and they were painted as if they were staying in a space they missed.

I hope, they could be turning back to be their own light in that world. so they could find they are the beautiful light originally. The lights of the background have that hope. Be light, Be yourself. All the people who were sacrificed in the Yeo-Sun incident. We miss you. We remember you.

Remember 1019.

여순 사건 1948년 10월 19일. 제주 4.3사건과 이어지는 여순사건은 여수 14연대 소속 군인들이 같은 민족인 제주 도민에게 총을 겨눌 수 없어 정부 지시에 대항하면서 그 과정속에 민간인이 만 명넘게 희생당한 사건이다.

작은 할아버지와 친척 두 분께서 여순 사건 당시 희생된 이야기를 담았습니다. 작은 할아버지는 그 당시 겨우 10대 후반 정도셨고, 마루에 앉아 계시다가 갑자기 집으로 들어온 진압군들에게 '손이 하얗다. 일을 안했나보다.' 라는 얘기를 들으면서 끌려가셨고 그 날 희생되셨습니다. 먼 곳에서도 그리워하실 고향 집의 마루를 표현해 그 분들을 위로해 드리고자 하였습니다.

그리스어로 나비는 영혼과 같은 단어인 Psyche입니다. 그래서 그 분들의 영혼을 나비로 상징화화였고, 그리워하는 공간속에 머무시는 모습으로 그렸습니다. 부디, 여순 사건으로 희생되신 수많은 분들이, 먼 곳에서 포근한 집같은 곳에 머무르시며 이제는 편안해지시길 기원합니다.

마지막으로, 우리는 찬란한 빛이기에 작품 배경속의 빛처럼 다시 내 자신의 모습처럼 빛나시기를 바랍니다.

The Better World collection image

We create the arts to make The Better World.

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

[여순 사건] My home/ 우리 집 Remember 1019

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[여순 사건] My home/ 우리 집 Remember 1019

100 items
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Yeo-Sun Incident. 19th October 1948. Yeo-Sun Incident took place in October-November 1948 following the Jeju Uprising, as the soldiers of the 14th Regiment raised arms in opposition to the government's order of shooting Jeju people. Because they didn't want to kill the People on Jeju island. even though, they had the order from the government. More than 10,000 civilians were killed in the process of suppressing the resistance.

I wanted to share my family's story about Yeo-Sun Incident. That day, 19th of October 1948, My grandfather's little brother was sitting on the floor of his house. He was only 19 years old at that time.

Some soldiers came to his house, and they looked at his hand and said, " his hands are so white, maybe he didn't work. let's take him."

That was the last moment that he was staying at his house. And he was sacrificed with 2 more relatives that day. So, I drew his house to let him see and stay there with other relatives to comfort them.

In Greek, the word 'Psyche' has 2 meanings, 'butterfly' and 'soul/mind'. In this painting, 3 souls are symbolized by butterflies, and they were painted as if they were staying in a space they missed.

I hope, they could be turning back to be their own light in that world. so they could find they are the beautiful light originally. The lights of the background have that hope. Be light, Be yourself. All the people who were sacrificed in the Yeo-Sun incident. We miss you. We remember you.

Remember 1019.

여순 사건 1948년 10월 19일. 제주 4.3사건과 이어지는 여순사건은 여수 14연대 소속 군인들이 같은 민족인 제주 도민에게 총을 겨눌 수 없어 정부 지시에 대항하면서 그 과정속에 민간인이 만 명넘게 희생당한 사건이다.

작은 할아버지와 친척 두 분께서 여순 사건 당시 희생된 이야기를 담았습니다. 작은 할아버지는 그 당시 겨우 10대 후반 정도셨고, 마루에 앉아 계시다가 갑자기 집으로 들어온 진압군들에게 '손이 하얗다. 일을 안했나보다.' 라는 얘기를 들으면서 끌려가셨고 그 날 희생되셨습니다. 먼 곳에서도 그리워하실 고향 집의 마루를 표현해 그 분들을 위로해 드리고자 하였습니다.

그리스어로 나비는 영혼과 같은 단어인 Psyche입니다. 그래서 그 분들의 영혼을 나비로 상징화화였고, 그리워하는 공간속에 머무시는 모습으로 그렸습니다. 부디, 여순 사건으로 희생되신 수많은 분들이, 먼 곳에서 포근한 집같은 곳에 머무르시며 이제는 편안해지시길 기원합니다.

마지막으로, 우리는 찬란한 빛이기에 작품 배경속의 빛처럼 다시 내 자신의 모습처럼 빛나시기를 바랍니다.

The Better World collection image

We create the arts to make The Better World.

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings
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