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By anna_c
By anna_c

Drawing a smoking cigarette represents the connection between self and the environment. According to Freud, smokers seek protection and love. The cigarette in the mouth replaces or resembles the mother's breast. Page #13 shows the psychological dependence of smoking and thus describes Eve's personality. She falls in love with a professor who is much older than herself. The reason for this could be in her childhood. Eve grew up without parental love and care.

Рисунок дымящейся сигареты отображает связь между собой и окружающей средой. Согласно Фрейду, курильщики ищут защиты и любви. Сигарета во рту заменяет либо напоминает материнскую грудь. Страница №13 изображает психологическую зависимость курения и, таким образом, описывает личность Евы. Она влюбляется в профессора, который намного старше ее. Причина этого возможно кроется в ее детстве. Ева выросла без родительской любви и заботы.

Triple Helix - Graphics Edition  (Novel in Russian Language) collection image

The Triple Helix is a science fiction novel written in Russian by Anna Chukhraienko. This is the first novel ever to be published on the blockchain page by page. Every page has been turned into a unique piece of art using the text from the novel and line drawing. The major emotions of each page are reflected in the art. A total of 89 unique NFTs are released in the collection. This is your chance as a collector to own a part of history!

About the novel: Reading this book is like exploring the limitless strands of DNA. The book begins with readers’ introduction to a young beauty with angelic character traits. Her name is Eve a biblical name representing the beginning of humanity. Unaware of her unique abilities, this dramatic character lives the life of an ordinary young girl, experiencing first love, the charm of males, new cultures, and countries. The book takes the reader on a journey together with Eve as she struggles and explores the possibility of living forever.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

Thirteenth Page of the Book "Triple Helix – Graphics Edition" | Тринадцатая страница книги «Тройная спираль – графическая версия»

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Thirteenth Page of the Book "Triple Helix – Graphics Edition" | Тринадцатая страница книги «Тройная спираль – графическая версия»

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By anna_c
By anna_c

Drawing a smoking cigarette represents the connection between self and the environment. According to Freud, smokers seek protection and love. The cigarette in the mouth replaces or resembles the mother's breast. Page #13 shows the psychological dependence of smoking and thus describes Eve's personality. She falls in love with a professor who is much older than herself. The reason for this could be in her childhood. Eve grew up without parental love and care.

Рисунок дымящейся сигареты отображает связь между собой и окружающей средой. Согласно Фрейду, курильщики ищут защиты и любви. Сигарета во рту заменяет либо напоминает материнскую грудь. Страница №13 изображает психологическую зависимость курения и, таким образом, описывает личность Евы. Она влюбляется в профессора, который намного старше ее. Причина этого возможно кроется в ее детстве. Ева выросла без родительской любви и заботы.

Triple Helix - Graphics Edition  (Novel in Russian Language) collection image

The Triple Helix is a science fiction novel written in Russian by Anna Chukhraienko. This is the first novel ever to be published on the blockchain page by page. Every page has been turned into a unique piece of art using the text from the novel and line drawing. The major emotions of each page are reflected in the art. A total of 89 unique NFTs are released in the collection. This is your chance as a collector to own a part of history!

About the novel: Reading this book is like exploring the limitless strands of DNA. The book begins with readers’ introduction to a young beauty with angelic character traits. Her name is Eve a biblical name representing the beginning of humanity. Unaware of her unique abilities, this dramatic character lives the life of an ordinary young girl, experiencing first love, the charm of males, new cultures, and countries. The book takes the reader on a journey together with Eve as she struggles and explores the possibility of living forever.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings