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Joined December 2021
Joined December 2021

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH

We are the stern prescient, the unrepentant present who enter the secret and serpentine nests of KNOWLEDGE to pursue the tenets of the TRUTH


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